Friday, December 14, 2007

Some of the best music I ever heard: King Crimson.

After it was sampled in the retardly awesome Children of men i knew King Crimson was a special band. at the moment i'm listening to the album RED. This is difficult music and it's NOT mainstream. i would not recomend it to a regular pop loving member of our fine society. nontheless its awesome music. it's very aggressive at times and docile at others. you hear traces of 90's grunge, heavy metal, and baroque folk laced into the songs. percussion on One more red Nightmare are amazing and the guitar work on their first album In the Court of The Crimson king was fucking brilliant.

truly great music. it's in the genra of progressive rock which means it's anything that wasn't metal or disco or pop at the time.

Thursday, December 13, 2007

Fun with Gamecube!

Ok so far i have resident evil 4 (15$). Zelda: wind Waker (18$). and Rogue leader (10$ US Dollars).

resident evil 4 is one of the best games i played this year. hands down amazing. Robo's comment about the series' game mechanics is accurate and RE4 manages to throw everything that sucked out the window. gone are the annoying puzzles. gone are the restrictive prerender backdrops, gone is the pos gunplay. everything is MUCH MORE accessible and makes you ask "why hasn't there be a RE game like this before?". it's awesome. long too. i'm 15 hours in and still on disk 1.

Zelda is great too. it's a departure from the classic presentation and the i was happy to see the sword mechanics being a bit deeper. the puzzles are classic zelda and you cant help but get a little attached to the little guy you control (i named him Mike). graphics are really nice too and the game is really deep. everywhere i go i notice places and people who i could possibly do soemthing for. there's a sidequest everywhere you look.

Rogue Leader is the weakest game by far. I wanted this game when the gamecube first came out for it's then amazing and now pretty decent visuals. unfortunately the gamplay doesn't cut it. it's still fun but not addicting in any way. the mission difficulty scale is wild making some mission a cake walk and others a frustrating tantrum. next time i play this game i'm going online for codes because i've played the same mission like 20 times without being able to beat it. and it's not a fun challenge like COD 4 was (i did one mission like 40 times on veteran difficulty because it was incredibly fun to beat) instead rogue leader is just annoying in that you get too close to a star destroyer and your ass is pounded by turbo lasers.

overall it's been a really great gaming sexperiance and a budget. 25$ for the gamecube and about 40$ for 3 games. you cant beat that deal with a stick.

Saturday, December 8, 2007

So my 360 decided to get it's own blog

I should of seen this coming because i know for a fact that my 360 has never been above anything like this. Obviously it's a lot more sophisticated then me but that wont stop me from being blog friends with it.

looking forward reading some cool stuff.

I'm so awesome it's painful.

see my post about my predictions for game of the year. also best shooter and RPG.

Friday, December 7, 2007

I am Legend

I hope this movie is good, i really do.

if you've never read the book it's about a disease that turns everyone into vampire zombies. but it's primarily about the mental anguish the protagonist goes through after he barricades himself in his house for 3 years fending off the vampire zombies who only attack at night.

i gave this book to my friend to read and he said it was ok. i wanted to slap him on the forehead (impossible because he told me this over IM but still)

the book is great, nuff said. it's short but really potent and feels like it's longer.

on the the movie. so they got Will smith to play the lead. he's the last man on earth. what will be important here is his performance because i couldn't care less about special effects. i hope he delivers and i kinda think he will because he's good at playing tough guys with weaknesses (Ali).

i'd love to read the script and see how the end the movie. there where two prior film apperations of the book. one was The Last Man on Earth played by this gay guy who's name i forgot, and the next one was The Omega Man which is with Charlton Hesten. it's a 70's film and has some kickass cinematography and interesting characters and dialogue. but overall it's a mediocre film due to plot weirdness and not being faithful to the book.

it comes out in a week, i'll proly see it at Imax.

also current book i'm reading is The Road by southern gothic master McCarthy. pretty good so far.

Gamecube and Resident Evil 4

well folks i scored a gamecube for 30 dollars of criagslist. a nice gentleman came down from the Bronx to meet me in union sqr for the exchange. good favor on him for giving me such a good deal. plus i got two controlers so i can buy Super Smash Bros and play with friends.


that same day I bought resident evil 4. took everything home and plugged my gamecube into my TV. it looks pretty dismal on my HDTV so i hooked it up to my old CRT at the foot of my bead (i use my LCD TV as a computer monitor so that's on my desk). started playing Resident Evil 4.

it took me a while to get used to the controls. no strafing what the shit?

i got up to the first village and got my ass handed to be by foul mouther Spaniards. (seriously they mutter the words shit in spanish pretty consistently) they're also creepy as fuck.

then this douche-and-a-half with a paper bag over his head runs at me with a chainsaw. i pump him with two rounds but he makes it over fast enough to swipe my head right off clean. nice going douchebag with a chainsaw.

then i realized i need to write a 7 pager paper for the next day so i stopped playing.

overall the game is pretty interesting. graphically it looks great for a gamecube title, and i can definitely see it being scary. also they gave this entry into the serious some balls by allowing big shootouts. you get ammo and health everywhere nonstop.

once this paper is done i'll head over to union and buy Zelda: Twilight Princess.

Wednesday, December 5, 2007

I think i'm gona buy a Gamecube

Seriously, the things like 40$ used now. on craigslist i see it going for 30. along with that i'll buy rogue squadron, res evil 4, both zelda games, and maybe metroid and i'll be fucking set until GTA4 comes out next year.


Thursday, November 29, 2007

My picks of the best of 07

This is going to be really simply.

Best game of 2007. Bioshock.

Best shooter of 2007: Call of Duty 4

Best RPG of 2007: Mass Effect.

I'm calling it here, fuckers!

3AM, Late night gamin baby.

hey there souls of the internet world, this is The Logen Man talking to you from 3AM. i just finished playing a good helping of Mass Effect and am ready to call it a night.

Playing games like this at night is a real treat. playing through mass effect is like reading an extremly immersive novel, or watching and awesome movie. you just dont want to stop. hence you play on.

The world passes you by, you hear a lone car pass your window, you see it's light shine into your room for a moment and then disappear. There's nobody outside. it's just you in your room. The neighbors are all asleep, people are enjoying their night resting for the new day. but you're up playing video games, oh yeah.

There's nothing like that feeling of just chilling out and really getting into the story of a great game. Mass Effect does this better then any other game i know.

Sunday, November 25, 2007

Assassin's Creed like for reals.

It's a good game. in fact it's a pretty great game., but also a very unique one. you've proly never played a game like this.

i read all the bad reviews and whatnot and i think they're all crap and i'd like to address some of the points that seemingly contribute to this game being bad.

repetitive intelligence gathering missions where soemthing a lot of people bitched about. do you do smiler missions over and over again? yes. but it's not that fucking repetative. most of them are actually pretty fun. for those that dont know you're supposed to get info about the particular person you want to assassinate. this info can be placement of archers that protect the person, what that person is going to do, where he is going to be, what the ebst time to strike will be. stuff like that. each intelligent ga5thering mission will net you one small segment of info. you can continue onto an assassination with very little info or you can get all of it and go in well prepared. obviously going in well prepared is the most fun because it immerses you the most.

the assassinations themselves are very fun. but a part of me wishes they where a little more elaborate. i think hitman did a slightly better job here.

graphically the game is amazing. 3 HUGE cities to explore and the countryside between them. it's all pretty huge and great to look at. the cities while huge arent really packed with that much stuff to do. they're more of a playground and medium for you to be an assassin in and do the whole free running thing in. you can collect flags which is OK or you can hunt down templars and kill them which is a lot more fun.

i really want to emphasis that the game really is gorgeous. like amazing beautiful. i really really wish it allowed you to take screenshots and upload them to your live account online like Halo 3.

the story is unique. it takes place in modern day and the whole crusades thing is a genetic memory of this guy in a lab that's being recalled by this scientist guy for his own personal gain.

^*****Warning Spoiler Above*****^

the voice acting and conversations can be a bit long winded at first but once you really get into the story you start listening and you start to question the motivations of the people who are giving you orders. these people are seemingly good but since every body you assassinate has a pretty clean conscious it's not hard to start thinking your boss is up to soemthing. your character starts to see this too.

the fighing mechanics are great i think. it's all about timing. if you know what your doing you can choreograph so sweet cinematic battles and shit. you start out with very few movies but as you progress you open up different things like blocking, dodging, counter attacking and all that shit. at the end a fight can look really cool, fancy, and actually be pretty fun because your timing skill is what's driving it.

a few weak points in this game are the controls. a lot of times they're just frustrating. the actually movement mechanics work fine but sometimes you have to hold down 2 buttons at once and use the control stick to navigate around guards in a stealthy way. this occupies your right thumb and you cant look around while you're moving. i wish there was a way to just lock certain buttons so you dont have to hold them.

another weak point is the AI. you are running from a guard, you escape his line of sight and jump behind the only canopy in an area. he runs next to it and is like "where the fuck did his assassin ass go. man Richard the 3rd is gona have my ass". ts super unrealistic that he wont check behind the canopy to see if you're inside. also i'd like to see more in the way of changing your outfit like in hitman. altiar has a white outfit and can blend into monks, but that's it. why not dress up as a guard, or a blacksmith to blend in.

so that's all i can really think of. the game is not 100% perfect, but it's really fun either way. most high profile gaming magazines are filled with elitist pricks. plus they have to finish a game before a deadline and cant appreciate a unique and beautiful game like Assassin's Creed.

Last night i played this game for hours. i think i'm like half way through. it was 5AM so i stopped, jerked off and passed out.

Friday, November 23, 2007

Mass Effect

Well i finally managed to get some solid play time into this game, i'm a little over 5 hours in.

it's really good, like scary good. first of all it's crack for sci fi nerds. i'm serious. the game allows you an incredible amount of depth into it's universe. want to know the technology about you're ships engine drive? it's there. want to know about the mating habits of a particular species? it's there. there's A LOT there to comb through and it goes a VERY long way to dragging you into the world.

the gameplay so far is definitely conservative. you easily spend as much time talking in dialog as you do doing everything else. the planet surface MAKO game works. you can drive around, shoot bad guys, get out, go back in, explore some more. take samples of the environment, find little things here and there. it's fun.

the combat is like a less streamlines version of gears of war except you have almost full control over your squad and your not limited to to just your guns. you have the standard wizard deal with the biotics and an engineering class as well. i chose full Adept which is like a full wizard in any other game.

the real awesomeness is the entire cinematic experience. it's like KOTOR on steroids and red bull. the character interactions are very deep. each of your main crew members has his or her own story that you can go into to. at the moment i'm exploring the blue chicks story because i want to have sex with her. she's pretty hot. . i saved her from killer robots she should let me bone her just for that. bitch.

the choices you make obviously influence if you're going to be a rebel bad dude or a by-the-rules idealsmen (i made that word up). i'm kinda doing the shads of grey thing. i make every decision not on whether i want to be good or bad, but instead I base it on whether i actually feel like going soemthing bad or not. either way the game will play on, i dont have to worry about any of that choose-your-own-adventure crap that kills you if you make the wrong choice. the game simply keeps going and you explore different branches of what it offers you.

A+ game will keep playing.

yes i'm enjoying it a little more then AC.

Fuck me sideways!

Assassin's Creed came in today. poped it in and it wont load at all. all i get is a blank screen.

of course the game runs when the HD is not attached. why? god fucking knows.

since i experienced the exact same problem with bioshock i called up microshit and talked to them for 30 min. i told them to send me a refurbished HD this time. since i cant believe God and Jesus Christ and the virgin Mary would skull fuck me like this twice in a row. and right before i was able to get my hungry sodomizing hands on Assassin's Creed and Mass Effect.

fuck me sideways.

the worst fucking part would be in after they sent me a new HD it still didn't work. then i would have to send in my entire console. and that's a cool 4 weeks without xbox. that would be the 3rd 4 weeks i go without it.

3rd times a charm motherfuckers.

yes i'm pissed.

blow me.

Call of Duty 4: Completed. Assassin's Creed, Mass Effect: on their way.

by the time i get home tonight i will hopefully be bathing in the sweet sweet glory of Assassin's Creed. it's due 9in today from Amazon. Mass effect will be here tomorrow.

needless to say i cant wait. MM instructor Future already got his hands on the game and i cant wait for mine to grope the supple boson that is The Creed of Assassin's.

this is going to be a fun week.

I've officially started to hate Halo 3 (lots of cursing)

the lack of a custom game search is what did it. plain and simple.

i'm sick of playing the same 3 maps over and over again. seriously whenever i pick large team battle i get the same two maps. and lone wolves yields the same map almost every-fucking-time.

what kind of retarded developer left out a custom game search? i dont want to play a giant team match anymore. i want to play infection just fucking once. people are saying its good but i haven't fucking got it once. Sorry bungie i dont have like 300 people on my friends list to invite to a custom game i made. but why should i need to? let me play the game type i want to fucking play you assholes.

so yeah. i simply cant enjoy halo 3 multiplayer anymore. everyone that said its the best online experience on the 360 was full of shit because its not. how can a game be good when it only allows you to play 25% of its multiplayer offering due to its own retarded design.

fuck you bungie. way to screw up.

why i hate Star Wars: The Force Unleased.

if you're not into video games then skip this rant.

The Force Unleashed is a GAY attempt by studios to create a game based on FLASH dynamic of a character using the force to do a bunch of crazy shit. a lot of the shit is cool like taking down star destroyers BUT its completely fucks up the entire fucking 6 movie universe. jedi where not THAT powerful. they where not fucking gods. they cant take down star destroyers, they cant do all the crazy shit u see in the game. not all of them use force lighting. the force is not a weapon. its a tool. NOT A WEAPON. the devs have made it a weapon because that has appeal. the movies clearly show it as less of a weapon and more of an aspect of the spirituality of being a jedi. hence no falsh bullshit like throwing lighting around everywhere, killing tons of storm troopers, taking down giant ships and all that gay shit.

what the fuck!!??!

i hate this game. developers are taking a fucking gameplay aspect and building a story around it. and that story completely fucks over the existing movies. the movies CLEARLY state that the last two jedi after the Vader incites genocide are yoda and obi wan. the game throws in like 3 new fucking jedi who are still around. the thing that the movies had that made the jedi so awesome is their powers and the fact that they where almost extinct. there where no other jedi beside obi and yoda. period. Luke was the first of the new jedi.

can you belive that George Lucas gave the go ahead on this game? he's been involved with it and has allowed all this to happen. this means that it becomes canon. when all this silly clownshit is canon it fucks over the films. and the films (ep 4 to 6) are the most baller sci fi movies ever.

fuck you Lucas.

i dont like what george lucas has done to star wars. the new films are all trash. if it wasnt for the amazing indiana jones serious i'd say i hate george lucas. he's dicked over star wars fans forever and he keeps doing it with garbage like The Force Unleased.

Bioshock Demo

because everybody and their mothers wanted this demo it took Microsoft 13 hours to plunge it through their internet tubes and into my 360's hardrive. those cocks.

i played it. and when i say played it i mean it took my god damn time.

its been a while folks. its really been a while since i experienced a game like this. the look, the gameplay, the atmosphere. its all there. the super high production value can be seen in every texture and pixel. this game is going to be big. maybe game of the year big because it looks like its more then just a great shooter like halo 3. you've never seen a world like this. you've never seen this level of immersion. you've never before saw this many ways to destroy your opponents. want to kill a mofo? hack a security bot to take him down, shoot him with your revolver, snap your fingers and light him on fire. if he runs and dives into a pool of water (they do it) you can shoot a bolt of lightning into the water to electrocute them. or you can shoot them with the lightning before lighting them on fire. there are dozens of other ways to kill them.

i'm buying this game the day it comes out (21st).

check it out

I must say i'm fucking pysched about halo 3

i just finished playing halo 2. what a great fucking game. its no wonder that the original halo revolutionized the quality that goes into FPS games. halo 2 was an amazing experience and i played it through on heroic.

the story is fucking awesome but it left off on a massive cliffhanger. this game came out in 2004 and fans are forced tow ait until late 2007 for part 3. cruel. btw the game has an amazing and epic soundtrack. it truly is the citizen kane of video games. def one of the top three fps games.

i'm thinking about preordering it, but there will be plenty of copies at launch.

also gta 4 is coming soon, along with a nice batch of third party games like assassins creed, bioshock, call of duty 4, and mass effect. it looks like i'll be set back about 250$ by the end of the year for games alone. cant wait.