Friday, December 7, 2007

I am Legend

I hope this movie is good, i really do.

if you've never read the book it's about a disease that turns everyone into vampire zombies. but it's primarily about the mental anguish the protagonist goes through after he barricades himself in his house for 3 years fending off the vampire zombies who only attack at night.

i gave this book to my friend to read and he said it was ok. i wanted to slap him on the forehead (impossible because he told me this over IM but still)

the book is great, nuff said. it's short but really potent and feels like it's longer.

on the the movie. so they got Will smith to play the lead. he's the last man on earth. what will be important here is his performance because i couldn't care less about special effects. i hope he delivers and i kinda think he will because he's good at playing tough guys with weaknesses (Ali).

i'd love to read the script and see how the end the movie. there where two prior film apperations of the book. one was The Last Man on Earth played by this gay guy who's name i forgot, and the next one was The Omega Man which is with Charlton Hesten. it's a 70's film and has some kickass cinematography and interesting characters and dialogue. but overall it's a mediocre film due to plot weirdness and not being faithful to the book.

it comes out in a week, i'll proly see it at Imax.

also current book i'm reading is The Road by southern gothic master McCarthy. pretty good so far.

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