Thursday, December 13, 2007

Fun with Gamecube!

Ok so far i have resident evil 4 (15$). Zelda: wind Waker (18$). and Rogue leader (10$ US Dollars).

resident evil 4 is one of the best games i played this year. hands down amazing. Robo's comment about the series' game mechanics is accurate and RE4 manages to throw everything that sucked out the window. gone are the annoying puzzles. gone are the restrictive prerender backdrops, gone is the pos gunplay. everything is MUCH MORE accessible and makes you ask "why hasn't there be a RE game like this before?". it's awesome. long too. i'm 15 hours in and still on disk 1.

Zelda is great too. it's a departure from the classic presentation and the i was happy to see the sword mechanics being a bit deeper. the puzzles are classic zelda and you cant help but get a little attached to the little guy you control (i named him Mike). graphics are really nice too and the game is really deep. everywhere i go i notice places and people who i could possibly do soemthing for. there's a sidequest everywhere you look.

Rogue Leader is the weakest game by far. I wanted this game when the gamecube first came out for it's then amazing and now pretty decent visuals. unfortunately the gamplay doesn't cut it. it's still fun but not addicting in any way. the mission difficulty scale is wild making some mission a cake walk and others a frustrating tantrum. next time i play this game i'm going online for codes because i've played the same mission like 20 times without being able to beat it. and it's not a fun challenge like COD 4 was (i did one mission like 40 times on veteran difficulty because it was incredibly fun to beat) instead rogue leader is just annoying in that you get too close to a star destroyer and your ass is pounded by turbo lasers.

overall it's been a really great gaming sexperiance and a budget. 25$ for the gamecube and about 40$ for 3 games. you cant beat that deal with a stick.

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