Friday, December 7, 2007

Gamecube and Resident Evil 4

well folks i scored a gamecube for 30 dollars of criagslist. a nice gentleman came down from the Bronx to meet me in union sqr for the exchange. good favor on him for giving me such a good deal. plus i got two controlers so i can buy Super Smash Bros and play with friends.


that same day I bought resident evil 4. took everything home and plugged my gamecube into my TV. it looks pretty dismal on my HDTV so i hooked it up to my old CRT at the foot of my bead (i use my LCD TV as a computer monitor so that's on my desk). started playing Resident Evil 4.

it took me a while to get used to the controls. no strafing what the shit?

i got up to the first village and got my ass handed to be by foul mouther Spaniards. (seriously they mutter the words shit in spanish pretty consistently) they're also creepy as fuck.

then this douche-and-a-half with a paper bag over his head runs at me with a chainsaw. i pump him with two rounds but he makes it over fast enough to swipe my head right off clean. nice going douchebag with a chainsaw.

then i realized i need to write a 7 pager paper for the next day so i stopped playing.

overall the game is pretty interesting. graphically it looks great for a gamecube title, and i can definitely see it being scary. also they gave this entry into the serious some balls by allowing big shootouts. you get ammo and health everywhere nonstop.

once this paper is done i'll head over to union and buy Zelda: Twilight Princess.

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