Friday, November 23, 2007

Bioshock Demo

because everybody and their mothers wanted this demo it took Microsoft 13 hours to plunge it through their internet tubes and into my 360's hardrive. those cocks.

i played it. and when i say played it i mean it took my god damn time.

its been a while folks. its really been a while since i experienced a game like this. the look, the gameplay, the atmosphere. its all there. the super high production value can be seen in every texture and pixel. this game is going to be big. maybe game of the year big because it looks like its more then just a great shooter like halo 3. you've never seen a world like this. you've never seen this level of immersion. you've never before saw this many ways to destroy your opponents. want to kill a mofo? hack a security bot to take him down, shoot him with your revolver, snap your fingers and light him on fire. if he runs and dives into a pool of water (they do it) you can shoot a bolt of lightning into the water to electrocute them. or you can shoot them with the lightning before lighting them on fire. there are dozens of other ways to kill them.

i'm buying this game the day it comes out (21st).

check it out

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