Sunday, November 25, 2007

Assassin's Creed like for reals.

It's a good game. in fact it's a pretty great game., but also a very unique one. you've proly never played a game like this.

i read all the bad reviews and whatnot and i think they're all crap and i'd like to address some of the points that seemingly contribute to this game being bad.

repetitive intelligence gathering missions where soemthing a lot of people bitched about. do you do smiler missions over and over again? yes. but it's not that fucking repetative. most of them are actually pretty fun. for those that dont know you're supposed to get info about the particular person you want to assassinate. this info can be placement of archers that protect the person, what that person is going to do, where he is going to be, what the ebst time to strike will be. stuff like that. each intelligent ga5thering mission will net you one small segment of info. you can continue onto an assassination with very little info or you can get all of it and go in well prepared. obviously going in well prepared is the most fun because it immerses you the most.

the assassinations themselves are very fun. but a part of me wishes they where a little more elaborate. i think hitman did a slightly better job here.

graphically the game is amazing. 3 HUGE cities to explore and the countryside between them. it's all pretty huge and great to look at. the cities while huge arent really packed with that much stuff to do. they're more of a playground and medium for you to be an assassin in and do the whole free running thing in. you can collect flags which is OK or you can hunt down templars and kill them which is a lot more fun.

i really want to emphasis that the game really is gorgeous. like amazing beautiful. i really really wish it allowed you to take screenshots and upload them to your live account online like Halo 3.

the story is unique. it takes place in modern day and the whole crusades thing is a genetic memory of this guy in a lab that's being recalled by this scientist guy for his own personal gain.

^*****Warning Spoiler Above*****^

the voice acting and conversations can be a bit long winded at first but once you really get into the story you start listening and you start to question the motivations of the people who are giving you orders. these people are seemingly good but since every body you assassinate has a pretty clean conscious it's not hard to start thinking your boss is up to soemthing. your character starts to see this too.

the fighing mechanics are great i think. it's all about timing. if you know what your doing you can choreograph so sweet cinematic battles and shit. you start out with very few movies but as you progress you open up different things like blocking, dodging, counter attacking and all that shit. at the end a fight can look really cool, fancy, and actually be pretty fun because your timing skill is what's driving it.

a few weak points in this game are the controls. a lot of times they're just frustrating. the actually movement mechanics work fine but sometimes you have to hold down 2 buttons at once and use the control stick to navigate around guards in a stealthy way. this occupies your right thumb and you cant look around while you're moving. i wish there was a way to just lock certain buttons so you dont have to hold them.

another weak point is the AI. you are running from a guard, you escape his line of sight and jump behind the only canopy in an area. he runs next to it and is like "where the fuck did his assassin ass go. man Richard the 3rd is gona have my ass". ts super unrealistic that he wont check behind the canopy to see if you're inside. also i'd like to see more in the way of changing your outfit like in hitman. altiar has a white outfit and can blend into monks, but that's it. why not dress up as a guard, or a blacksmith to blend in.

so that's all i can really think of. the game is not 100% perfect, but it's really fun either way. most high profile gaming magazines are filled with elitist pricks. plus they have to finish a game before a deadline and cant appreciate a unique and beautiful game like Assassin's Creed.

Last night i played this game for hours. i think i'm like half way through. it was 5AM so i stopped, jerked off and passed out.

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