Friday, November 23, 2007

I've officially started to hate Halo 3 (lots of cursing)

the lack of a custom game search is what did it. plain and simple.

i'm sick of playing the same 3 maps over and over again. seriously whenever i pick large team battle i get the same two maps. and lone wolves yields the same map almost every-fucking-time.

what kind of retarded developer left out a custom game search? i dont want to play a giant team match anymore. i want to play infection just fucking once. people are saying its good but i haven't fucking got it once. Sorry bungie i dont have like 300 people on my friends list to invite to a custom game i made. but why should i need to? let me play the game type i want to fucking play you assholes.

so yeah. i simply cant enjoy halo 3 multiplayer anymore. everyone that said its the best online experience on the 360 was full of shit because its not. how can a game be good when it only allows you to play 25% of its multiplayer offering due to its own retarded design.

fuck you bungie. way to screw up.

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