Friday, November 23, 2007

Fuck me sideways!

Assassin's Creed came in today. poped it in and it wont load at all. all i get is a blank screen.

of course the game runs when the HD is not attached. why? god fucking knows.

since i experienced the exact same problem with bioshock i called up microshit and talked to them for 30 min. i told them to send me a refurbished HD this time. since i cant believe God and Jesus Christ and the virgin Mary would skull fuck me like this twice in a row. and right before i was able to get my hungry sodomizing hands on Assassin's Creed and Mass Effect.

fuck me sideways.

the worst fucking part would be in after they sent me a new HD it still didn't work. then i would have to send in my entire console. and that's a cool 4 weeks without xbox. that would be the 3rd 4 weeks i go without it.

3rd times a charm motherfuckers.

yes i'm pissed.

blow me.

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