Friday, November 23, 2007

why i hate Star Wars: The Force Unleased.

if you're not into video games then skip this rant.

The Force Unleashed is a GAY attempt by studios to create a game based on FLASH dynamic of a character using the force to do a bunch of crazy shit. a lot of the shit is cool like taking down star destroyers BUT its completely fucks up the entire fucking 6 movie universe. jedi where not THAT powerful. they where not fucking gods. they cant take down star destroyers, they cant do all the crazy shit u see in the game. not all of them use force lighting. the force is not a weapon. its a tool. NOT A WEAPON. the devs have made it a weapon because that has appeal. the movies clearly show it as less of a weapon and more of an aspect of the spirituality of being a jedi. hence no falsh bullshit like throwing lighting around everywhere, killing tons of storm troopers, taking down giant ships and all that gay shit.

what the fuck!!??!

i hate this game. developers are taking a fucking gameplay aspect and building a story around it. and that story completely fucks over the existing movies. the movies CLEARLY state that the last two jedi after the Vader incites genocide are yoda and obi wan. the game throws in like 3 new fucking jedi who are still around. the thing that the movies had that made the jedi so awesome is their powers and the fact that they where almost extinct. there where no other jedi beside obi and yoda. period. Luke was the first of the new jedi.

can you belive that George Lucas gave the go ahead on this game? he's been involved with it and has allowed all this to happen. this means that it becomes canon. when all this silly clownshit is canon it fucks over the films. and the films (ep 4 to 6) are the most baller sci fi movies ever.

fuck you Lucas.

i dont like what george lucas has done to star wars. the new films are all trash. if it wasnt for the amazing indiana jones serious i'd say i hate george lucas. he's dicked over star wars fans forever and he keeps doing it with garbage like The Force Unleased.

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