Friday, November 23, 2007

Mass Effect

Well i finally managed to get some solid play time into this game, i'm a little over 5 hours in.

it's really good, like scary good. first of all it's crack for sci fi nerds. i'm serious. the game allows you an incredible amount of depth into it's universe. want to know the technology about you're ships engine drive? it's there. want to know about the mating habits of a particular species? it's there. there's A LOT there to comb through and it goes a VERY long way to dragging you into the world.

the gameplay so far is definitely conservative. you easily spend as much time talking in dialog as you do doing everything else. the planet surface MAKO game works. you can drive around, shoot bad guys, get out, go back in, explore some more. take samples of the environment, find little things here and there. it's fun.

the combat is like a less streamlines version of gears of war except you have almost full control over your squad and your not limited to to just your guns. you have the standard wizard deal with the biotics and an engineering class as well. i chose full Adept which is like a full wizard in any other game.

the real awesomeness is the entire cinematic experience. it's like KOTOR on steroids and red bull. the character interactions are very deep. each of your main crew members has his or her own story that you can go into to. at the moment i'm exploring the blue chicks story because i want to have sex with her. she's pretty hot. . i saved her from killer robots she should let me bone her just for that. bitch.

the choices you make obviously influence if you're going to be a rebel bad dude or a by-the-rules idealsmen (i made that word up). i'm kinda doing the shads of grey thing. i make every decision not on whether i want to be good or bad, but instead I base it on whether i actually feel like going soemthing bad or not. either way the game will play on, i dont have to worry about any of that choose-your-own-adventure crap that kills you if you make the wrong choice. the game simply keeps going and you explore different branches of what it offers you.

A+ game will keep playing.

yes i'm enjoying it a little more then AC.

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