Friday, November 23, 2007

I must say i'm fucking pysched about halo 3

i just finished playing halo 2. what a great fucking game. its no wonder that the original halo revolutionized the quality that goes into FPS games. halo 2 was an amazing experience and i played it through on heroic.

the story is fucking awesome but it left off on a massive cliffhanger. this game came out in 2004 and fans are forced tow ait until late 2007 for part 3. cruel. btw the game has an amazing and epic soundtrack. it truly is the citizen kane of video games. def one of the top three fps games.

i'm thinking about preordering it, but there will be plenty of copies at launch.

also gta 4 is coming soon, along with a nice batch of third party games like assassins creed, bioshock, call of duty 4, and mass effect. it looks like i'll be set back about 250$ by the end of the year for games alone. cant wait.

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